In many supply systems considerable variation is encountered in the mains voltage for which it is designed. The hazards of over-voltage are well known and these voltage fluctuation constitute a serious problem for users of most of the electrical equipments. Considering the above facts, SERVO CONTROLLED AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE STABILIZERS are designed and manufactured by us for the healthy operation of sophisticated equipments of every industry and research institution,
(precision laboratory equipments, radio transmitters, radar devices, computers) general industrial production and process control equipments or even controlling the entire supply to a laboratory, testing room/factory, that too at a substantial saving in cost.
PVJ POWER SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLED AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE STABILIZERS (Servo type Automatic Voltage Stabilizers) are based on the principle of feedback information, and are manufactured from the highest quality raw materials available.
These regulators are high speed electromechanical regulators and are manufactured using the latest technology so as to provide constant voltage for supplying the desired voltage without any harmonics and can even operate over a wide temperature range.